Friends of SAM AGM (Annual General Meeting)All members of Friends of SAM, their guests, and anyone interested in SAM are invited to come along to the Friends of SAM Annual General Meeting on 29 November.Commencing at 5.45pm, the meeting will also feature informative speakers about SAM and Friends to illuminate aspects of the museum and the Friends […]
Shepparton Art Museum acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the
Land of Greater Shepparton: the Yorta Yorta Nation, whose clans
include the Bangerang, Kailtheban, Wollithiga, Moira, Ulupna,
Kwat Kwat, Yalaba Yalaba and Ngurai-illiam-wurrung people.
We pay respect to their Tribal Elders, we celebrate their
continuing culture, and we acknowledge the memory of their
Plan your visit
Our Lin Onus Gallery on Level 1 at SAM will be closed until 22 February due to the installation of upcoming exhibition The Shape of Things to Come.