SAM Fresh 2024

11 May – 11 August 2024

SAM Fresh is our annual open-call youth arts exhibition that celebrates our region’s emerging young creatives. Featuring the artworks of twenty artists aged 16-25 living, working and studying across the Goulburn Valley and Hume regions, the artists of Fresh 2024 navigate themes of identity, personal relationships, and the natural world, presenting a perspective of our region and modern society as seen by the next generation.

Through the generous support of La Trobe University, a cash prize of $1,500 will be awarded to the Fresh 2024 artist whose entry displays high artistic merit, demonstrated by their creativity, technical proficiency, and overall aesthetic quality. Additionally, visitors can vote for their preferred Fresh 2024 artwork in the People’s Choice Award over the course of the exhibition, the winner of which will receive a cash prize of $500.

Artists: Maria Abblitt, Mya Bathman, Kody Bothwell, Ketiah Bwihambi, Leah Doyle, Grace Garner, Georgie Giustino, Kristi Hardman, Lily Leys, Ashleigh Molisak, Kat Parker, Joy (Roxy) Parnell, Anika Robinson, Lehansa Samaranayake, Oriana Teasdale, Katelyn Trevaskis, Brinners, Neiki Vesty, Gabriella Vittorio, Ruby Wyatt-Carter.

Curator: Caroline Esbenshade

Location: Community Gallery, Level 2


Featured image: Leah Doyle, Brood (still, cropped), 2024. Courtesy of the artist.