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VCE Folio Intensive program

25 September 2023


Photo: Photo: Leon Schoots.

Folio Intensive program

Announcing SAM’s Folio Intensive program for VCE students! Designed to support VCE Unit 4 Art Creative Practice, Art Making and Exhibiting and Visual Communication Design the program includes individual feedback sessions on folios, conversation with further studies educators, and SAM Curator and SAM Exhibition Manager who will use real scenarios to answer questions and give advice.

Places are limited for folio feedback.

Date: Monday 25 September

Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm  

Location: Shepparton Art Museum

Program overview

  • 10:10 am  Caroline Esbenshade - SAM Curator

Caroline Esbenshade is SAM’s own Curator - Community who manages the Community and Children’s gallery, whose career spans both hemispheres and many different areas of study. She will be speaking about opportunities to exhibit at SAM, the upcoming FRESH exhibition, her own varied career journey.   

  • 10:40 am  Nick Baylart - Exhibition Manager

Nick Baylart is our highly-skilled Exhibitions manager. He is delighted to share his deep knowledge of all aspects of Exhibition design and will be hosting a first-person insight into the development of SAM’s Collection exhibition, Dance me to the End of Love.

  • 11:15 am  Steph McNair - Local graphic design

Steph McNair has had a diverse career in design including working in her own business, print and publishing, digital, in-house, government and agency work. Steph has a passion for learning and will be speaking on graphic design as a career, how to choose the study path that is right for you and portfolio interview tips.  

  • 12:15 pm Lunch break
  • 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm  Mimi Leung - Local artist

Mimi Leung is an artist and illustrator whose playful work weaves together the real and surreal in bright, colourful depictions of imaginative creatures and abstract forms.

Please join us for on-on-one feedback on your individual folio, with valuable, real-world insight into how to develop your skills.


25 September 2023
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


SAM Education
03 4804 5000
View Organiser Website


Special Interest
Teachers, Students


Shepparton Art Museum
530 Wyndham Street
Shepparton, Victoria Australia
+ Google Map

Traditional Owners Acknowledgement.

Shepparton Art Museum acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land of Greater Shepparton: the Yorta Yorta Nation, whose clans include the Bangerang, Kailtheban, Wollithiga, Moira, Ulupna, Kwat Kwat, Yalaba Yalaba and Ngurai-illiam-wurrung people.

We pay respect to their Tribal Elders, we celebrate their continuing culture, and we acknowledge the memory of their ancestors.